Saturday, March 26, 2011

FTL 133 Yellow Flowers

This was my first submission to the Clean and Simple weekly challenge and I loved it! My husband actually asked me to make him a card for the admin he works with who has been helping him out a lot. He said she always jokes that she'll take yellow roses, so he asked me to make him a card to give to her with yellow roses on it. Enter the Clean and Simple challenge- this week you had to put something 3D on the card as part of the design! What perfect timing. These little flowers aren't the easiest to make, in fact I threw three away in the process! But in the end I think they come out really cute and are worth all the swearing and trashing!


  1. this is so pretty!! the flowers came out great!

  2. Love the lace behind the roses! Fabulous.

  3. Very elegant and classy card. Well worth the time and effort.
    Ter ;)
